Counseling specialities

  • Play therapy is a model of working with children using specific trained therapists, toys and space facilitating the emotional well being of children. Play therapy is a recognized model for therapist to use the language of play in therapeutic relationship with their clients. Children express themselves in play: they mimic, act out, demonstrate, and redo strong emotional moments.

    This is a natural and healthy expression of feelings and a way of coping with the world as they see it.

    Everyone would like a moment every now in then to feel completely in control, safe and in charge of their destiny. This is actually one aspect of what all seek in therapy. For children, the words to express these things are just not there yet. And so, in times of stress, grief, crisis and anxiety, children express themselves with behavior, changing of patterns (such as sleeping or eating) and in their relationships with friends and family. Play therapy provides space and time to facilitate the emotions and provide insight and behavior changes for themselves and their families.

    Play therapy has applications for all ages, but may look very different to different developing children, teens, and young adults. As parents and guardians, you know your child best, and we will count on you to partner with us by facilitating his/her emotional well being. In our initial consult, we can discuss your hopes and goals, and the developmentally appropriate approach for your child.

  • Adolescents are not little kids, nor are they adults. Their bodies change, their priorities change, their feelings, friends, favorite foods, and importantly, their relationship with their parents all undergo transformation. It is this time that they need their parents the most, yet are hardwired to seek support from outside the family. Therapy for adolescents is a careful attendance on the part of the therapist, not only to what is said in session, but what is not said. While more verbal and expressive in spoken language than younger children, adolescents often struggle to find the right words. Ways of playing with adolescents involve games, art, music, wilderness and eco-therapy applications and sincere empathy. It is not easy to be an adolescent. Or the parent of an adolescent. Issues of concern in adolescents include:

    • General Anxiety

    • Body issues

    • Addictions

    • Self-harm

    • Depression

    • Extreme mood shifts

    • Isolation

    • Fears of failure or success

    • LGBQTIA+ and gender affirming support

    • Social anxiety (bullying)

    • Academic struggles

  • We offer individual therapy to all ages! We want to create a space that allows creativity and growth for all individuals. Art and play therapy isn’t only limited to children, adults can be creative too!

  • At 2ndStar Counseling, our child and adolescent therapy includes time for family check in and ways of facilitating communication. We are part of your big picture plan for change. We can use assessments, discussion, plans and parenting styles aiding you to be your child’s best resource today and for the future. You might be interested in partaking in Filial Play, where parents learn to engage in play therapy with their child and build a close relationship.

    In addition, recognizing the changing face of family is important in the therapeutic process. Things you might be looking for insight on include:

    • Co-parenting strategies

    • Blending families

    • Parenting your grandchildren

    • First time parents

    • First teenager in the family

    Please don’t hesitate to call or write for a consult or if you have any questions.

  • Jungian therapy, sometimes known as Jungian analysis, is an in-depth, analytical form of talk therapy designed to bring together the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind to help a person feel balanced and whole.

  • From Kathryn Raley, “My journey as a private practitioner was made easier by some fantastic peers, professionals, cohorts, supervisors, professors, colleagues and best for last, family. This incredible group of individuals supported me in every way. I believe that I am called to pay it forward and share what I have learned.”

    Kathryn offers affordable supervision, peer consults, and group collaboration for mental health practitioners. Check the events schedule for helpful conferences, events and groups in your area.

  • In addition to professional supervision, Kathryn offers public speaking for areas that may interest your students, clients, or faculty. This includes but is not limited to:

    -Play Therapy

    -Depth Psychology

    -Jungian Therapy

    -Sand Tray

    -Supervision Information


Standard session: $165

50 Minute Session

A typical course of treatment starts with three to six weekly sessions of intense relationship building. After that, we will design a course of healing for you, your child or your family supporting your particular need.  

Extended Session: $245-$300

75-90 Minute Session

Often the occasion arises and we may need more time less frequently for yourself, your child and your family. These 90 minute sessions are correlated between counselor and client to support you and your specific needs in counseling. 

supervision session: $130

Clinical or Play Therapy Credentialing

If you are seeking a professional advocate, skilled in clinical applications for children, adolescents, families and individuals as well as community building and business coaching, we might be a good fit. I am an Approved Clinical Supervisor and a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor.